Central Arkansas Trail Alliance has made it a mission to bring back and improve one of the older mountain bike trail systems in central Arkansas, Wildcat Mountain. We are working closely with the US Forest Service to make this area a premier mountain bike system. Work started this past weekend, in the rain. Watch our Facebook page for upcoming workdays. The trail crew today. We split into 2 teams and knocked out a little over a mile each...there is still plenty of work to be done, but the first effort was a really good one. I was very impressed with the elevation and length of the climbs. — with Greg Jones, Richard Thompson, Pam Staley, Ralph Butler, Marie Michalets, Harrison Maddox, Basil V. Hicks Jr. and Bruce Alt. Below are a few images from our workday on the Wildcat Mountain Bike Trails in the Eastern Ouachitas. Thanks to Justin Ray for the photography and help.
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