For years Central Arkansas Trail Alliance fans have needed the one binding accessory that will forever hold them up as a supporter of quality trails in Central Arkansas, a sticker. Well wait no longer! Be recognized as a true trail warrior, a citizen who understands the importance of trails to our recreation, our environment and our mental state. Not only do you love and appreciate trails, you understand that trails don't just appear, they don't take care of themselves, and they will disappear without due vigilance. Whether you are a trail runner, hiker, or mountain biker, you can proudly display your Love for Trails on your vehicle, cooler, notebook, little brother's forehead, hipster bike frame, front door, insulated coffee mug, laptop, the cat, or wherever an expression of your values is desired. (Please DON'T hurt the cat or your little brother or post them on vehicles, buildings, etc. without the owner's permission.) How to Obtain the Precious Stickers:We are dedicating the funds raised from the sale of these stickers to purchasing new tools and equipment for further trail building and maintenance. If you've been on a work party with us you know that some of our current tools are loved to death. When the Fall trail building season gets going we want to be ready to support some of the great work that you do. Nothing says, we love you, like handing you a new tool that actually works.
For now, the stickers will be made available at CATA Socials and Work Parties starting at the May 15, 2018 Audubon Happy Hour at Flyway Brewing w/CATA . * Want to be extra-cool? Having exact change, that would be cool. I mean, we'll try to make change or you can always leave a tip** if you are cool with that. **All tips will also go to purchase of new tools.